Icarus: Moira

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Join Moira on her first mission to Icarus, the terraforming failure.

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Dear Moira,

It feels strange addressing myself like that…but ‘Dear Diary’ sounds strange as well. Anyway, hi, I’m Moira. Right now I’m sitting on the station after my very first mission on Icarus. I didn’t bring my diary down to the planet because I wasn’t sure I’d have the time to write in it.

When I got here a few days ago, I thought for sure they were going to take one look at me and send me packing back to Earth. The training program that is supposed to prepare a prospector to survive on Icarus leaves a lot to be desired. But, I guess they are willing to take anyone willing to take a chance on the planet. And, it’s not like I have family at home waiting for the death benefit.

I made the ride down to Icarus in a drop ship. It’s a tiny personnel module and a large cargo module bolted onto a rocket – and probably made by the lowest bidder. The ride wasn’t smooth, but I made it down in one piece.

Icarus is beautiful.

Deadly, sure. But gorgeous.

Sol gave me some advice through my helmet from where ever he was monitoring my mission. I had to build a shelter and survive the night on Icarus to prove to the companies that I could be trusted with the bigger, more lucrative missions.

And then, I was alone.

My first goal was to make some tools. I gathered plant material, sticks, and stones to build a stone axe and a stone pick axe. Second goal was to gather oxite. Crushing the stones into my suit’s O2 extractor was a strange sensation, but I was still breathing afterward.

After stocking up on oxite, I decided I should travel north to a small lake and build my shelter there. I’d eventually need the water and maybe I would find some fish to catch and eat. During the walk I crafted a crude stone knife based on the designs of the axe and pick axe.

It’s a good thing too because as soon as I was finished crafting the knife, I tripped over a wolf sleeping in the underbrush. I’m pretty sure he was as surprised as I was. He wasn’t surprised long though, because my first knife thrust caught him right in the head. I skinned him quickly and collected leather, bones, fur, and meat. I didn’t want to just leave the skeleton there, so I bashed it a few times and got some more bone shards to add to my supplies.

By the time I made it to the lake, I’d killed two more wolves and three rabbits. I’d also found a small horde of carrots and some pumpkins. I took a chance and drank straight from the lake. I’d eaten some berries along the walk, but I was still pretty thirsty. It was surprisingly cool and clean.

It was getting dark by that time and despite the berries, I was hungry too. I built a small camfire and cooked the meat from the wolves and rabbits. On an impulse, I put the carrots and pumpkin in the fire too. I was pleased with the way they turned out. After I’d eaten all I could, I made a torch so I could walk away from the campfire and still see.

I had the idea on how to put together a shelter from leaves and fiber, but I’d walked through a rain shower and a light wind storm earlier in the day. I was afraid that a shelter made of thatch wouldn’t hold up against Icarus’ weather. Instead I chopped down a few trees and lashed the planks together to create a small wooden shelter.

I totally planned on sleeping through the first night, but my stockpile of useable furs wasn’t enough to make any kind of bed. I walked around the lake, identifying some of the plants and minerals. I didn’t use them during this mission, but I can see how they will come in handy later. I even found a small coal deposit that I harvested in order to keep the campfire going.

I found a few deer, but I wasn’t nearly fast or steathly enough with my knife to take them down. I considered trying to make a bow and arrows – the concept of it seemed straight-forward enough, but I couldn’t quite get it to work. I can see how hunting would be much easier with a bow, however.

By now dawn had begun to break over the mountains surrounding the lake. I’d survived the night, but I still needed to finish the shelter. Even after walking around all night, I still didn’t have enough furs to make a decent bedroll.

As I was making my way back to my partially built shelter for some breafast of barbequed carrots and cooked rabbit meat, I ran into another wolf. With the fur from this last kill I was sure I had enough to finally make a bedroll.

After I placed the bedroll – and tested it out…pretty comfy if I do say so myself – I put up the last two walls to complete my shelter.

Sol let me know that I’d met my objectives and I was free to return to the drop pod. I thought about staying on the planet a little longer. I could look for caves or work on finishing that bow…but I decided to leave Icarus on a high note. I took a minute to say goodby to my first shelter. With Icarus’ weather, I doubt it will still be standing if and when I ever return to this area.

The trip back to the drop pod was fairly quick. I stood on the ledge near the pod and looked out over the expanse of land below me. I hadn’t been sure about joining the Icarus prospecting project…but now I can’t imagine not returning.

Game Information

Icarus was released in December of 2021 by Rocketwerkz. It is a PVE (player vs. environment) survival game with the ability for cooperative multiplayer.

The player takes on the role of a prospector on Icarus a planet that failed to terraform correctly. But, there’s still missions to be accomplished and credits to be made.

This first mission, Beachhead: Recon, is the first of the original Olympus missions. The prospector is dropped down on Icarus on a not-quite-tutorial mission where they are expected to hunt, gather, and craft. At a minimum, prospectors must level up at least three levels to research the campfire, bedroll, stone knife, thatch shelter (beam, floor, and wall) and rag torch. 

However, with seven days of play time available to you, this is a great time spend more time on Icarus and do some leveling. Moira skipped getting the thatch shelter plans in favor of moving quickly to level 5 and getting the wood shelter blueprints.

After Action Report: Moira – Beachhead: Recon (Hard)

End Level 5

Moira’s Tech Tree

  • Campfire
  • Bedroll
  • Rag Torch
  • Stone Knife
  • Bandage
  • Wood Beam
  • Wood Floor
  • Wood Wall
  • Wood Ramp
  • Wood Door

Currently, I’m saving the additional points till I decide what direction to take the character.

Moira’s Talents

  • Hunting
    • Fine Butcher I
  • Blades
    • Swift Stab
    • Heavy Hand x 2
  • Bows/Crossbows
    • Bow Agility
    • Increased Arrow Damage I

Moira’s Solo Talents

  • Fleet Footed
  • Heavy Hitter


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